Friday 27 September 2013

Kanye West Takes Offense to Jimmy Kimmel Skit

Just a few hours ago hip-hop star Kanye West went on a twitter rampage bashing the talk show host Jimmy Kimmel.  Kanye is known to go on twitter rampages but this time he seems more upset than usual.  He started the rant with this tweet "JIMMY KIMMEL IS OUT OF LINE TO TRY AND SPOOF IN ANY WAY THE FIRST PIECE OF HONEST MEDIA IN YEARS". 

Kanye is apparently upset about a sketch that Jimmy Kimmel did on his show (link will be posted end of blog).  From a neutral stand point it seems that the sketch wasn't out of line considering Kanye West is a media icon who gets made fun of every minute... literally every minute. 

We all know Kanye West has a rather big ego, calling himself a God in his songs and interviews.  Kanye went on to call Jimmy Kimmel and insisted that he apologize publicly and said his life will be a lot better if he did. 

Jimmy Kimmel addressed the issue on his show and showed all the tweets Kanye posted.  He seemed rather surprised himself that he got the rap star so upset.  Jimmy took a few more cracks at him and did not apologize for his sketch video. 

Being a fan of both these celebrities I am surprised and thoroughly entertained at the topic. I just hope this isn't publicity stunt which is a possible explanation

Be the judge yourself.  Did Jimmy Kimmel go to far or is Kanye West being to sensitive?

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